Northern Alabama Product Liability Attorney

Holding Manufacturers Accountable for Personal Injury

Attorney George Allen Moore has an extensive record of success on behalf of clients with defective product claims. He is not afraid to take on major companies and their insurance carriers to secure rightful damages for injuries resulting from bad design or assembly of consumer products.

Defective Product Injury? • Case Evaluation at (256) 533-5770

Based in Huntsville, Alabama, the law firm of Johnston, Moore & Weston is known for its knowledgeable and aggressive representation. We have secured many settlements and verdicts for clients throughout northern Alabama in lawsuits concerning consumer products, including workplace machinery and equipment failures, auto defects, defective tires, aircraft defects, defective lawnmowers, dangerous toys and artificial disc malfunctions.

Defective Product Cases

A product liability claim requires the plaintiff to demonstrate a design defect, a manufacturing flaw or a failure to warn of dangers. George Allen Moore is a seasoned trial lawyer with the skills to win these complex cases. Our firm also invests in technical expertise to pinpoint the product flaw. Representative cases include:

  • A worker was fatally injured after a factory machine’s safety mechanism was disabled to increase efficiency; he was grabbed by the arm and pulled into the machine. We sued both the employer and manufacturer on behalf of his family.
  • defective seat belt that was not properly tethered extended six to eight inches too far in a crash, causing fractured vertebrae and multiple facial injuries to our client. We recovered damages from the automaker.
  • A plumber installed a hot water heater and set the thermostat too high. We won compensation for horrible disfigurement when the client suffered second- and third-degree burns to the chest.
  • A single-engine Cessna airplane stalled shortly after take-off, crashing from 200 feet and bursting into flames. The pilot and his girlfriend suffered serious burns and extreme disfigurement. Johnston, Moore & Weston purchased the wreckage and hired an aeronautics expert, who traced the accident to a fuel tank defect. We obtained a seven-figure settlement from the manufacturer.
  • pleasure boat capsized, drowning six passengers. We hired naval architects, who identified several design defects: it was too tall for its width, lacked maritime doors, and the emergency exit lights did not operate when submerged. We also hired our own weather expert to refute the defense assertion that a “microburst” storm caused the accident.

Manufacturers have a duty toward your safety, and we hold them accountable. Contact our Huntsville office at (256) 533-5770 to arrange a evaluation of your defective product claim. We make home and hospital visits for your convenience

Johnston Moore & Weston

120 Holmes Ave NE Suite 200
Huntsville AL 35801

(256) 533-5770 LOCAL (800) 240-5770 TOLL FREE

Johnston, Moore & Weston represents individuals throughout North Alabama in communities such as Huntsville, Madison, Decatur, Birmingham, Cullman, Gadsden, Anniston, Scottsboro, Athens, Fort Payne, Albertville, Boaz, Guntersville, Stevenson, Rainsville, Arab, Hartselle, Russellville, Muscle Shoals, Florence, Sheffield, Bridgeport and Moulton, as well as Madison County, Jackson County, Limestone County, DeKalb County, Marshall County, Morgan County, Cullman, Etowah, Lauderdale, Colbert, Franklin and Lawrence County.

No representation is made that the quality of the legal services to be performed is greater than the quality of legal services performed by other lawyers.

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